Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Yay for some improvement

It was a great morning this morning with a good group of Valkyrie girls showing up for Sprint training.

This was the first time I've backed up a commuting day with a training day, usually I leave a day in between but feeling a bit stronger and having worked on all my physio drills religiously I felt I was ready for it.

The one legged drills were fine and the 'bike benders?' were excellent, reallly enjoyed those. Trying to power up Federation Mall was a challenge and while my technique got better my lungs did not! It's my new love/hate hill as it's fun, short and still challenging.

After we'd done a couple of laps Rach suggested riding up to Mugga Way before a coffee. Hmmmm, not sure how I'll go with that one but happy to give it a spin. Well, an attempt anyway.....

Heading up Melbourne Ave is when I realised that it's all up hill. Uh ohh... Hills are still not my friend. I started off well and valiantly tried to keep up but was dropped about half way up (I think, may be an overestimate there). This was when champion Liz came back with some words of encouragement and a fair old push up the remainder. Wow, thanks Liz!!

Reaching the top I realised I was cooked. It was a great morning but I was done. I had arranged to ride back to ANU with Anna but not wanting to cut her ride short I headed off on my own, drafting my blog entry as I went. As I rolled down Flynn Dve the lovely Anna caught me up and we headed back to town.

An update on the Hoodies.

I wore mine while on marshalling duty on Sunday, nice and warm, lovely. I had some jealous Viking boys notice our latest attire and commented that it was cool, however the matter of white hoodie and grease did come up. Maybe we should consider red next time. Anyway it was fun to show it off...


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